SVSU Recovery » Needs Assessment and Data Review

Needs Assessment and Data Review

Submitted before April 15, 2021
  1. Gather and begin to analyze existing or easily obtainable Student Status, Demographic, and School/LEA Process Data to determine initial, highest priority recovery needs. Pay particular attention to the status of historically marginalized students (students in different racial/ethnic groups, English learners, students with disabilities, students in poverty, migrant students, military-affiliated students, homeless students, students in foster care). Draw on your learning from the data literacy professional development series to consider new and existing data sources for understanding needs.
  2. In the corresponding table below, for each of the recovery areas (SEL, Mental Health and Wellbeing; Engagement/Truancy; Academic Success), identify or describe:
    1. Data sources used.
    2. Interpretation of student needs based on these data sources.
    3. Preliminary thoughts on how to address identified needs.
    4. Whether you would benefit from state partner assistance in this area.