What are the Walk Zones?
Molly Stark Elementary School Walk Zone
Monument Elementary School Walk Zone
North Bennington Graded School - no buses
Pownal Elementary School Walk Zone
Shaftsbury Elementary School Walk Zone
Woodford Hollow Elementary School - no walk zone
Does the SVSU transport students who opt in to School Choice?
Where can I find my bus schedule?
How are the bus schedules created?
I send my child to a licensed daycare in the attendance zone for Bennington Elementary, but my child goes to school at Molly Stark. Can they ride the bus to their daycare still?
Molly Stark Elementary School Zone of Attendance
Monument Elementary School Zone of Attendance
North Bennington Graded School Zone of Attendance
Pownal Elementary School Zone of Attendance
Shaftsbury Elementary School Zone of Attendance
Woodford Hollow Elementary School Zone of Attendance
MAU Middle School - covers all SVSU districts
MAU High School - covers all SVSU districts
What is the difference beween School of Attendance and School of Residence?
Do you do door to door pickup?
Who should I call with transportation questions?
Can I write a bus pass for my elementary school aged child to go to their friend's birthday party?
Is there an after school bus for my child to take after baseball practice?
Do you provide transportation for homeless students?
How far is a student expected to walk to a bus stop?
What is the transportation information for Mt. Anthony Union High School?

Yellow Line - Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union provides transportation for MAUHS students via Dufour Escorted Tours Inc.’s school buses and driver staff. Please keep all other vehicles clear of the School Bus Lane as identified on the map to ensure everyone’s safety.
Pink Star - Student Services drop off location for families and school buses.

Yellow Line - Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union provides transportation for MAUHS students via Dufour Escorted Tours Inc.’s school buses and driver staff. Please keep all other vehicles clear of the School Bus Lane as identified on the map to ensure everyone’s safety
Pink Star - Student Services drop off location for families and school buses.
Students who access SVSU Transportation Services may be expected to walk a similar distance to a bus stop as a student who may live closer to the school where services are not provided. Intersection stops are created throughout the community within the towns the school serves: Bennington, North Bennington, Pownal, Shaftsbury and Woodford. Enrolled MAUHS students are welcome to access any stop of their choice when there is a seat available.

What is the transportation information for Mt. Anthony Union Middle School?

Yellow Arrow - School Bus Lane as identified on the map to ensure everyone’s safety. Green Mountain Express provides bus service to MAUMS on both the Brown Line and Red Line. Students must be outside the school building ready to access pickup service before the scheduled time
as designated on the map. Green Mountain Express does not wait for students/passengers.
Pink Star - Student Services drop off location for families and school buses.
Students who access SVSU Transportation Services may be expected to walk a similar distance to a bus stop as a student who may live closer to the school where services are not provided. Intersection stops are created throughout the community within the towns the school serves: Bennington, North Bennington, Pownal, Shaftsbury and Woodford. Enrolled MAUMS students are welcome to access any stop of their choice when there is a seat available.

My child is bussed out of district by SVSU. What happens if there's a snow day?