About » Transportation


Please view the below information about transportation within the SVSU. 
Note that at this time there is no information on this page that addresses Arlington Memorial High School or Fisher Elementary School.
Walk zones are a defined area around a school building where students are safe to walk or bike to school. Bus schedules generally do not include these areas unless a specific student circumstance requires it. Not all schools have walk zones, and all walk zones are different. 
Southwest Vermont Union Elementary School District Schools
Mount Anthony Union High School District #14 Schools
North Bennington Graded School District
NBGSD is a nonoperating school district, meaning all elementary students are enrolled in other schools. Middle and high school students are provided transportation as they all reside outside of the MAU walking zones. 
Please note that the older the student is, the larger the walk zone. 
Short answer: no.
Families will need to coordinate their own transportation plan when opting in for SVUESD School Choice, participating in afterschool club/activities/sports, alternative addresses from their primary address on file at the school, out of school zone child care & programming and Superintendent approved plans.
Bus Schedules for MAU will be posted online and in the Bennington Banner at the start of the school year. 
SVUESD bus schedules are not posted publicly for student safety. Individual schools communicate this information directly to families. 
Students who require accommodations will be individually contacted by their case managers/school program.
Students who reside outside of a school walk zone will be assigned to a route for pick up and drop off based on the primary household address the school has on file. If you are a MAUMS or MAUHS family, please check your parent portal to make sure we have the correct primary address on file. 
If we do not have the correct address, click HERE to find a change of address form. If you have any questions on changing your address, please contact the SVSU Registrar at 802-753-5800. 
Short answer: no.
Licensed day cares are pick up and drop off addresses for the school zone they reside in only.
To find out what attendance zone you are in, see the information below:
School of Attendance is where your child is enrolled at (where they receive their education). 
School of Residence is the school zone associated with your primary physical address. 
Only for our pre-K learners and for those who require accommodations. 
You should call your child's school main office!
Please do not call Dufour Transportation. 
Short answer: no.
Bus passes to alternate address will not be accommodated.
We do!
For more information, please contact SVSU Homeless Liaison Laura Boudreau at [email protected]
Students are expected to walk the same distance to a bus stop as students that walk to school.  The older a student is the farther they are expected to walk:
PreK = do not walk
K = .5 miles
Elementary = .75 miles
Middle & High = 1.5 miles
The Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union, Facilities Management & Operations Department provides Transportation Services to the student body of Mount Anthony Union Middle School. MAUMS students share busses with MAU High School students as school members of the Mount Anthony Union High School District #14.
The state of Vermont identifies transportation to and from school for students as a privilege. The federal government identifies transportation to and from school for students with transportation listed in their Individual Education Plan as a right. More than 40 school bus runs travel over 560 miles each school day to support MAUMS students. Students are welcome to access any bus at any stop as needed. We welcome you to call the school office with any specific questions or concerns.
Morning Drop Off
maums traffic map
Green Line - Family Pick up and Drop off area is identified on the map. Please stay out of the School Bus Lane for the safety of all persons. Students will not be let into the building until 7:00AM.
Yellow Line - Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union provides transportation for MAUHS students via Dufour Escorted Tours Inc.’s school buses and driver staff. Please keep all other vehicles clear of the School Bus Lane as identified on the map to ensure everyone’s safety.
Blue Arrow - Green Mountain Express provides bus service to MAUHS on both the Brown Line and Red Line. Students must be outside the school building ready to access pickup service before the scheduled time as designated on the map. Green Mountain Express does not wait for students/passengers. 
Pink Star - Student Services drop off location for families and school buses.
Afternoon Puck Up
maums traffic map
Green Line - Family Pick up and Drop off area is identified on the map. Please stay out of the School Bus Lane for the safety of all persons until all buses have cleared the area.
Yellow Line - Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union provides transportation for MAUHS students via Dufour Escorted Tours Inc.’s school buses and driver staff. Please keep all other vehicles clear of the School Bus Lane as identified on the map to ensure everyone’s safety
Blue Arrow - Green Mountain Express provides bus service to MAUHS on both the Brown Line and Red Line. Students must be outside the school building ready to access pickup service before the scheduled time as designated on the map. Green Mountain Express does not wait for students/passengers.
Pink Star - Student Services drop off location for families and school buses.
MAUMS Bus Run Number Map
Students who access SVSU Transportation Services may be expected to walk a similar distance to a bus stop as a student who may live closer to the school where services are not provided. Intersection stops are created throughout the community within the towns the school serves: Bennington, North Bennington, Pownal, Shaftsbury and Woodford. Enrolled MAUHS students are welcome to access any stop of their choice when there is a seat available.
Please reference the below map for a general idea of which neighborhood will be served by which bus number.
map with bus numbers
bus symbols
The Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union, Facilities Management & Operations Department provides Transportation Services to the student body of Mount Anthony Union Middle School. MAUMS students share busses with MAU High School students as school members of the Mount Anthony Union High School District #14.
The state of Vermont identifies transportation to and from school for students as a privilege. The federal government identifies transportation to and from school for students with transportation listed in their Individual Education Plan as a right. More than 40 school bus runs travel over 560 miles each school day to support MAUMS students. Students are welcome to access any bus at any stop as needed. We welcome you to call the school office with any specific questions or concerns.
maums traffic map
Green Arrow - Family Pick up and Drop off area for all students is identified on the map. Please stay out of the School Bus Lane for the safety of all persons until all buses have cleared the area. Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union provides transportation for MAUMS students via Dufour Escorted Tours Inc.’s school buses and driver staff.
Yellow Arrow - School Bus Lane as identified on the map to ensure everyone’s safety. Green Mountain Express provides bus service to MAUMS on both the Brown Line and Red Line. Students must be outside the school building ready to access pickup service before the scheduled time
as designated on the map. Green Mountain Express does not wait for students/passengers.
Pink Star - Student Services drop off location for families and school buses.
MAUMS Bus Run Number Map
Students who access SVSU Transportation Services may be expected to walk a similar distance to a bus stop as a student who may live closer to the school where services are not provided. Intersection stops are created throughout the community within the towns the school serves: Bennington, North Bennington, Pownal, Shaftsbury and Woodford. Enrolled MAUMS students are welcome to access any stop of their choice when there is a seat available.
Please reference the below map for a general idea of which neighborhood will be served by which bus number.
map with bus numbers
bus symbols
When the SVSU closes, out of district transportation to Hillcrest Academy, Manchester Village School and Sheldon Academy will not be provide.  When the SVSU is operating on a delayed opening or early release due to inclement weather, out of district transportation routes will operate on the SVSU schedule.