Curriculum » Proficiency-Based Learning for Families/Community

Proficiency-Based Learning for Families/Community

At the Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union, we focus on success for every student through personalized learning and flexible pathways. According to the Vermont Agency of Education, “Proficiency-Based Learning is a key component of flexible and personalized pathways set forth in Act 77 and the State Board of Education’s Education Quality Standards. Vermont public schools must provide students with flexible and personalized pathways for progressing through grade levels and to graduation. These resources can help educators and families understand some of the changes that are taking place in Vermont schools.”

Courses/Domains/Prioritized Standards/Scales/Performance Tasks for Grades K-12




SVSU District Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements

Based on the sample sets of graduation proficiencies created by the Vermont Agency of Education, in collaboration with Vermont educators and staff from Great Schools Partnership with input from the SVSU Curriculum Teams.

Transferable Skills- Assess these skills in the context of standards from the content areas. The transferable skills are the overarching context, to be used in alignment with the content-based graduation proficiencies. Each transferable skill will be reflected across multiple content areas.

1. Clear and Effective Communication (ELA 4. Speaking and Listening: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of discussions, responding thoughtfully to diverse perspectives and expressing ideas clearly and persuasively. ELA 5. Speaking and Listening: Present information, findings and supporting evidence conveying a clear and distinct perspective.)

2. Self-Direction

3. Creative and Practical Problem Solving

4. Responsible and Involved Citizenship

5. Informed and Integrative Thinking


English Language Arts- 
Created using the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts

1.Reading:Comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate a wide range and level of complex literary and informational texts.

2. Writing: Produce clear and coherent writing for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. Conduct short and sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

3. Language: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.



Math- Created using the Common Core State Standards for Math

1. Modeling: Use mathematics to help make sense of the real world: identify variables, formulate a model describing the relationship between the variables, interpret results, and validate and report conclusions and the reasoning behind them.

2. Number and Quantity: Reason, describe, and analyze quantitatively, using units and number systems to solve problems.

3. Algebra: Create, interpret, use, and analyze expressions, equations and inequalities.

4. Functions: Use functions, including linear quadratic, trigonometric and exponential, to interpret and analyze a variety of contexts.

5. Geometry: Understand geometric concepts and constructions, prove theorems, and apply appropriate results to solve problems.

6. Statistics and Probability: Interpret and apply statistics and probability to analyze data, reach and justify conclusions, and make inferences.


Created using the Next Generation Science Standards

1. Physical Sciences: Structure/ Properties of Matter, Forces, and InteractionsUnderstand and analyze matter, reactions and physical systems as demonstrated through the integration of scientific and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts (PS 1 + PS 2) Physical Sciences: Energy, Waves, and Electromagnetic Radiation: Understand and analyze energy and the characteristics and dynamics of waves as demonstrated through the integration of scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts (PS 3 + PS 4)

2. Life Sciences: Structure, Function, and Information Processing:Understand and analyze molecular, structural, and chemical biology as demonstrated through the integration of scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts (LS 1) Life Sciences:Matter and Energy in Organisms and EcosystemsUnderstand and analyze the characteristics, functions, and behavioral interactions within an ecosystem as demonstrated through the integration of scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts (LS 2) Life Sciences: Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms, Natural Selection, and Adaptations:Understand and analyze genetics, adaptation, and biodiversity as demonstrated through the integration of scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts (LS 3 + LS 4)

3. Earth and Space Sciences: Earth, Space, and the UniverseUnderstand and analyze the origins, interactions and relationships between and among the Earth, our solar system, and the universe as demonstrated through the integration of scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts (ESS1) Earth and Space Sciences: Earth SystemsUnderstand and analyze Earth’s systems and the relationship between human activity and the earth as demonstrated through the integration of scientific and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts (ESS 2 + ESS 3)

4. Engineering, Technology, and Application of Science: Demonstrate engineering concepts across multiple disciplines and novel situations as demonstrated through the integration of scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts (ETS). While performance indicators that end with an * were originally assigned to an earlier standard (DCI) by NGSS, they are listed here because they demonstrate application of engineering. These performance indicators may also serve to inform whether students can demonstrate proficiency in the particular content standard in which they were originally assigned.


Global Citizenship- 
Adapted from National C3 Standards.

1. Inquiry: Students use inquiry to make sense of the world by questioning, analyzing information, and developing reasonable explanations based on evidence.

2. Civics, Government & Society: Students act as citizens by understanding the history, principles, and foundations of our American democracy, and by acquiring the ability to become engaged in civic and democratic processes.

3. Economics: Students demonstrate an understanding of economic decisions based on the interactions between humans, governments, and economic systems.

4. Geography: Students use geographic reasoning and inquiry to understand local, national, and global issues.

5. History: Students understand change and continuity over time by using historical evidence to answer questions and develop arguments about the past.

6. Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence: Students use various technologies and skills to find information and to express their responses to questions through well reasoned explanations and evidence-based arguments.

7. Communicating Conclusions: Students communicate in ways that foster the exchange of ideas in a democratic society.



World Culture/Language

World Culture- In 2019, the Vermont State Board of Education adopted the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages to replace Vermont’s Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities, Standards for Non-Native Learners. 

Students demonstrate understanding of customs, beliefs, cultural differences, and traditions worldwide and show understanding of how language and cultural knowledge influences lives.

1. Culture- Understand and appreciate cultural similarities and differences.

2. Compare- Understand the nature of language through comparison.

3. Communities- Understand how knowing a non-native language can influence lives.


Created using the National Health Education Standards

1. Core Concepts: Demonstrate ability to access valid information and comprehend core concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

2. Analyze Influences: Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.

3. Interpersonal Communication & Advocacy: Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills; to advocate for personal, family and community health to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

4. Self-management: Demonstrate the ability to use health enhancing behaviors, goal setting and decision-making to enhance personal health.


Physical Education- *Created using the Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education is used under license from SHAPE America © AAHPERD 2013, All rights reserved. (1.5 years of PE must be taken in accordance with the Educational Quality Standards)

1. Knowledge and Motor Skills: Demonstrate proficiency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

2. Knowledge & Motor Skills: Apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

3. Physical Fitness: Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

4. Affective Qualities and Social Interaction: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects and promotes success of self and others.


Created using the National Core Arts Standards

1. Creating: Conceiving and developing new artistic ideas and work

2. Performing/ Presenting/ Producing: Realizing and sharing artistic ideas and work through interpretations and presentations

3. Responding: Understanding and evaluating how the arts convey meaning

4. Connecting: Relating artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context


Technology Standards- 
Created using the 2016 ISTE Student Standards

1.Standard 6 Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to their goals.

2. Standard 3 Knowledge Creator: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

To learn more about Proficiency-Based Learning and how it is being implemented in the SVSU, please visit the links below.
All terms and definitions listed below have been taken directly from the SBG Guides listed in the Resources from the SVSU Section. 
Formative Assessment: Purposeful, ongoing collection of information about how students are learning while there is still time to improve. Both teacher and student then use the information to guide continuous improvement toward the intended learning.

Interventions: Interventions are intentional actions that a school team/teacher implements when a student is not reaching grade level standards. The purpose is to accelerate academics performance so that each student meets or exceeds standard.

Learning Targets: Descriptions of what students will know and be able to do. They are aligned with standards and guide the design of units intended to move students toward proficiency and the achievement of performance indicators.

Modifications: Adaptations to the curriculum that fundamentally alter the grade‐level expectation, but do not fundamentally alter the content standard. Modifications are provided only to students who qualify for special education services or highly capable students. Modifications typically include reducing the cognitive load, methodology or delivery of instructions, and/or the performance criteria.
Modified Grade: A progress indicator that reflects student achievement based on a modified standard.
Modified Standard: An expectation for student performance that is challenging for eligible students, but is less difficult than the grade-level academic achievement standard. Modified academic achievement standards must be aligned with academic content standards for the grade in which a student is enrolled.

Multiple Assessment Opportunities: Evaluations that provide more than one way for students to demonstrate attainment of a standard. Students need to be provided with multiple opportunities to perform in relation to standards. Multiple opportunities to perform can apply to the assessment approach (open ended questions vs. close‐ended questions), format (constructed response, multiple choice), or context (on‐demand vs. over time, the setting, the purpose of the assessment).

Proficiency: Having or demonstrating an expected degree of knowledge or skill in a particular area.

Standard: The broadest, most general form of learning expectation from which more specific grade level curriculum is developed. Content standards describe what students should know and be able to do.

Standards‐Based: A descriptor that suggests how a clear and direct relationship exists among any combination of activities, materials, instructional processes, and assessments and that all relate to each other and to identified standards.

Standards‐Based Assessments: Assessment in which the criteria for evaluating student achievement are taken directly from the standards.

Summative Assessment: A culminating assessment at the end of an instructional period that measures the extent a student has learned a specific set of content or skills.