About » SVUESD Best Education Use of Facilities Ad Hoc Committee

SVUESD Best Education Use of Facilities Ad Hoc Committee

A report given by the New England School Development Council (NESDEC)was delivered to the Southwest Vermont Union Elementary School District during their regular meeting on June 11, 2024. This report, titled Southwest Vermont Union Elementary School District Best Educational Use of School Facilities Study Report, stated the following:
NESDEC entered into an agreement with the Southwest Vermont Elementary School District to complete a Best Educational Use of Facilities Report, which included a demography and an updated 10-year enrollment projection; a facilities review of specified Southwest Vermont Union Elementary School District schools to plan for facilities that are the right size for their intended enrollments, and a development of options for consideration of next steps.
As an outcome of board discussion, an ad hoc committee was formed  to review the report and make recommendations to the board. During the review, members of the committee are expected to ask questions, engage with NESDEC representatives, visit schools, and speak with relevant stakeholders.
A copy of the report can be found below. The committee welcomes feedback following review of the document.