SVSU Recovery » SVSU ESSER Grants & Recovery Plan

SVSU ESSER Grants & Recovery Plan

Information from Fall 2021 Opening of School: Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union plans to follow the most recent, updated guidance coming from the Agency of Education and will continue to update this area of our website with information relevant to the opening of school for Fall of 2021. At this point in time, this guidance indicates it is likely we will no longer be in a state of emergency in the Fall of 2021 and that the State will return to the normal regulatory framework for operating schools.

Should we find ourselves back in a state of emergency caused by the pandemic, schools will utilize their Fall 2020 Plans along with any updated guidance from the Agency of Education to make decisions necessary to maintain instructional operations and a safe learning environment.

Grant Funding: Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union has and will receive funding through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER). ESSER funds will be distributed in three allocations coming from three different Acts.

*Meaningful Consultation: The US Department of Education requires LEAs to complete Meaningful Consultation and provide evidence that public input was incorporated into the plan, and the plan must be approved at the state level and then shared with the public.

The SVSU Recovery Team started meeting weekly during the spring of 2021. This multi-year team developed an SVSU Recovery Plan, which included a design phase based on state guidance. The focus of the plan is based on proactive approaches for each outcome (Social-Emotional Learning, Mental Health and Wellbeing; Engagement/Truancy; Academic Success), and on data-driven decision-making. All focus areas are overlapping and interconnected.
Please direct any questions or comments to the Recovery Coordinators -Laura Boudreau ( [email protected] ), Assistant Superintendent and Melissa Senecal [email protected] Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment ; Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union, 246 South Stream Road, Bennington, VT 05201; Tel: 802-447-7501

ESSER is a federal grant that is managed by the Vermont Agency of Education (AOE). The AOE is allocating non-recurring, emergency aid sub-grants to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) by a formula that is based on Title I, Part A allocations. SVSU is among the LEAs receiving ESSER funds.
These funds are being allocated in three parts: ESSER I, ESSER II, and ESSER III. All of these grants are one-time funds.
  • ESSER I is the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) ESSER funding.
  • ESSER II is an expansion of the CARES ESSER funds with the addition of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRPSA) funding. 
  • ESSER III is the American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER funding. 
You may also view the U.S. Department of Education Fact Sheet to learn more about ESSER funds. 
Click HERE to view the allocations of funds.