Curriculum Department » Bennington 250 Resources for Staff

Bennington 250 Resources for Staff

Bennington will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Bennington on August 16, 2027. A committee of local volunteers is already busy planning a huge celebration for this momentous event. Over the next few years leading up to the celebration there will be numerous events taking place to honor local history and there will be some visible changes taking place in the town, especially in Old Bennington. As the group began taking shape a few months ago, task forces, including one focused on education, were created to address different needs for the event. The goal of the Bennington 250th Education Task Force is to help our students learn more about the history of their town and the Battle of Bennington. This task force includes members of the community, teachers from SW Tech, Arlington, BBA, MAU High and Middle, and the Principal of Sacred Heart.
We are still looking for SVSU representatives from grades K-8 and we are reaching out to the local private schools to include them in the activities as well. As a simple introduction to the Battle of Bennington and local history there are two activities planned for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Stay tuned for more information! We need more educators grades K-8 to join the Ben- nington 250th Education Task Force, please consider signing up! If interested, contact: Katie Contrada at [email protected] or Brooke Remington at [email protected]
Please email Katie West ([email protected]) if you did not receive your classroom poster. 
From the Vermont Agency of Education: The Vermont 250th Education and Outreach Committee is currently housing information on the AOE Social Studies website. Resources will be updated to provide educators an opportunity to engage students in learning about the founding of the nation. The Committee is focused on sharing the underrepresented voices of the American Revolution, and making the work inclusive of the diverse communities that have contributed to Vermont’s past and will continue to shape its future.
Lessons for SVSU Educators
Please open the Google Drive folder to view grade-level lessons and resources. Note that the Bennington 250 team welcomes feedback, which can be given through the feedback form
Resources for the Bennington Battle Mural Poster