Policies and Procedures » 5000 - Students

5000 - Students

SVSU Unified Board Policy Development

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Policy Description
5003 - Prevention of Sexual Harassment as Prohibited by Title IX Per Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (“Title IX”) the Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union (SVSU), Southwest Vermont Union Elementary School District, Mount Anthony Union School District, North Bennington Graded School District, Arlington School District and Sandgate School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities, including employment and admissions.
5004 - Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying  The Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union and its member districts [hereinafter “District”] are committed to providing all of its students with a safe and supportive school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with respect. 
5005 - Reporting of Child and Vulnerable Adult Abuse, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Violence  to implement the requirements of 33 V.S.A. § 4913, to ensure that school district employees meet their legal reporting obligations under 33 V.S.A. § 4913 and other related statutory requirements. 
5008 - Students Who Are Homeless Homeless students in the District will have access to the education and other services needed to ensure that an opportunity is available to meet the same academic achievement standards to which all students are held.
5009 - Title One Comparability  If a school in the Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union, Southwest Vermont Union Elementary School District, Mount Anthony Union School District and North Bennington Graded School District becomes eligible to receive Title I funds, the school district in which the school is located shall provide comparable services, staffing levels, curriculum materials and instructional supplies for Title I eligible and non-Title I eligible schools. 
5010 - Title I Parent Involvement Compact The superintendent or his or her designee shall develop an LEA-level Parental Involvement Compact
according to Title I, Part A requirements.
5011 - Parent Involvement  To encourage and support the involvement of parents in their children’s education. 
5012 - Provision of Special Educational Services to Private School Students  To provide special education services to private school children with disabilities as and to the extent provided by Federal and State law. 
5015 - Personalized Learning Plans  to ensure all students in grade seven through grade twelve shall have a Personalized Learning Plan, which shall be a written document developed by the student, a representative of the school and, if the student is a minor, the student’s parent or legal guardian. 
5016 - Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements  all students will need to demonstrate achievement of all proficiency-based graduation requirements before receiving a high school diploma, as the culmination of a Pre-K through grade 12 education... 
5020 - Kindergarten Eligibility  A child who reaches the age of five on or before August 31, shall be determined eligible to attend kindergarten the coming school year. 
5030 - Attendance  We believe that attendance is directly related to success in school.
5050 - Discipline of Pupils Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils  Corrective action may be imposed on a student in response to misconduct by the student 
5065 - Verbal/Physical Assault of an Employee  Any student who verbally threatens or physically assaults an employee shall be suspended immediately pending a hearing before the appropriate Board. 
5080 - Dress Policy To enforce a dress code to create and maintain a productive and positive learning environment, minimizing disruptions and distractions. 
5084 - Personal Use of Wireless Communication  Students may possess wireless communication devices in school, ... , provided that during instructional time the wireless communication device remains off and concealed unless instructed otherwise by a teacher. 
5085 - Search and Seizure  To permit and conduct reasonable searches of school property, students, and their personal property, and the seizure of such property as provided below. 
5086 - Weapons Prohibition  To comply with the Federal Gun Free Schools Act of 1994, 16 V.S.A. §563 (5), and §1166, requiring school districts to provide for the expulsion of students who bring weapons (firearms) to school. 
5087 - Threats and Disruptions to School Operations  To respond quickly and effectively to any threat to the safety of its students and staff. 
5089 - Weapons Prohibition Other Than Students  To comply with Title 13, Sections 4003 and 4004 prohibiting the possession of dangerous or deadly weapons in a school bus, a school building or on school property by any person. 
5090 - Interrogation or Searches of Students by Law Enforcement or Other Agencies  A student under the age of 18 in school may not be interrogated by any authority other than school personnel without the knowledge of the school administrator and knowledge and permission of parent or guardian 
5100 - Screening  Health services must comply with state law requirements related to health screening and assessment. 
All students must meet immunization requirements as defined by Vermont State Law. 
The purpose of this policy is to safeguard 
students who have experienced concussions.
5130 - Illness and Injury  Recognizes that school population consists of individuals of a wide range of ages and physical well being who participate in a variety of activities. 
5140 - Communicable Diseases  Recognizes the transmission of communicable diseases must be limited in order to protect the rights of all students and employees. 
5145 - Sexual Health Barrier Methods Availability  All schools will provide a comprehensive health education program regarding healthy behaviors, decision making, and the risks associated with sexual activity as appropriate. 
5156 - Student Nutrition and Wellness  To establish goals which support improved nutrition for all students, nutrition education, physical activity, and other school based activities that are designed to promote student wellness. 
5175 - Possession, Sale, Distribution and Use of Illegal Substances  No student shall knowingly distribute, possess, use, sell, give, be in the presence of or otherwise transmit, or be under the influence of any illegal drug, regulated substance, alcohol, or drug paraphernalia or mind/behavior altering substance on any school property, or at any school-sponsored activity. 
5176 - Medication in School  To comply with 16 VSA section 1387, regulations for For any student who is required to take medication during the regular school day 
5180 - Tobacco Prohibition  The use of tobacco by any person on school grounds is a violation of state law, and it is hereby prohibited. 
5185 - Anaphylaxis  It is the policy of the board that immediate and appropriate intervention shall be provided to assure the most successful management of an anaphylactic episode. 
5200 - Fund Raising  To endorse the concept of fund-raising for the following reasons... 
5210 - Student Clubs & Activities  A student activity program appropriate to the maturity of students and as varied as staff and facilities permit will be maintained. 
5260 - Limited English Proficiency  To ensure equal educational opportunities for every student with equitable access to school programs. 
5265 - Educational Files and Records (FERPA)  To maintain educational files and records in compliance with FERPA 
5266 - Educational Support System  To assist teachers in accommodating children in the regular classroom to the greatest extent possible. 
5300 - Section 504 and ADA
Grievance Protocol for Students 
It is the policy of the Boards of Directors of the Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union and associated districts not to discriminate on the basis of disability. The
5400 - Student Safety  To maintain safe conditions within our schools. 
5405 - Behavioral Intervention  That students not be subjected to the unreasonable use of restrictive behavior interventions, and that there be a common understanding within the SVSU and its member Districts of appropriate interventions by District staff. 
5411 - Comprehensive HIV and Bloodborne Pathogens Policy for Schools K-12  To recognize the rights of students and employees with HIV
5500 - Pupil Privacy Rights 
To comply with the provisions of the federal Pupil Privacy Rights Amendment (PPRA) governing the administration of certain student surveys, analyses or evaluations funded in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education. 
5510 - Equity Policy
The Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union and associated districts are committed to the success of every student, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, family economics, class, geography, ability, language, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or initial proficiencies.
5520 - Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students
This policy is designed to provide direction for administrators, staff, students, and parents to
address issues that may arise concerning the needs of transgender and gender nonconforming
5600 - Student Freedom of Expression in School-Sponsored Media
To follow statute cited in policy 
5650 - Posting and Distribution of Materials  That the building principal is responsible for approving all material to be posted in schools or distributed to students or staff. 
5700 - Non Resident Students  To admit to its schools only students who are residents of the District, and not to admit students who are non-residents of the District. 
5703 - North Bennington Tuition Policy  To enroll non-resident students under such terms and restrictions as the District deems best ...